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Version: release (v0.77)


Vega protocol software allows for the creation of decentralised networks operated by a number of independent validators who runvalidator nodes, and may also run data nodes.


There are certain parameters that influence the behaviour of the system, such as how many tokens are required to make a particular governance proposal, or what percentage infrastructure fees should be.

Network parameters can be changed by on-chain governance, so that the community can define the optimal network configuration for each feature. They can only be added or removed with Vega core software releases.

Each network parameter has a 'key', or a name, and a 'value', which is what the parameter is set to.

Loosely, network parameters fall into several categories:

  • Governance proposals: governance.proposal.asset.minVoterBalance, governance.proposal.updateMarket.minEnact, for example
  • Auctions:, market.monitor.price.defaultParameters, for example
  • Fees: transfer.fee.factor, market.fee.factors.makerFee, for example
  • Margin: market.margin.scalingFactors
  • Network checkpoints and snapshots: network.checkpoint.timeElapsedBetweenCheckpoints, snapshot.interval.length, for example
  • Spam protection: spam.pow.difficulty,, for example
  • Liquidity: market.liquidity.bondPenaltyParameter, market.liquidity.targetstake.triggering.ratio, for example
  • Validators: network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners, validators.delegation.minAmount, for example
  • Rewards: rewards.marketCreationQuantumMultiple, reward.staking.delegation.minimumValidatorStake, for example
  • Transfers: transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple

These parameters can differ between networks. In other words, the same network parameter key could have different values on mainnet, Fairground, and the validator-run testnet.


An epoch is a time period during which network changes, such as changing validator nominations, liquidity provisions, recurring transfers, and community-funded rewards can be announced and then implemented. Changes that are announced in one epoch will only be executed in the following epoch, or in the epoch nominated for the change. There is one exception, 'un-nominate now'.

The length of an epoch is set by a network parameter: validators.epoch.length.

Network-wide limits

Some limits have been introduced to the protocol in an aim to keep the overall system performant and responsive, with low-latency. As the system relies on both a lean core and a data node that consumes and provides data, having limits allows the option to somewhat control how many computations and how much data is generated, while also allowing full use of the protocol's functionality.

These limits are adjustable, so each network can be set up for maximum flexibility, and offer tokenholders the chance to change the values of those limits through network parameter governance.

These limits are not totally dissimilar to the spam controls that are also implemented, which aim to mitigate the possibility of malicious actors deliberately flooding the system with junk requests.

Maximum pegged orders

Currently, one transaction type can be limited:

  • Total number of pegged orders on all active markets: controlled by network parameter

If the parameter's value is decreased through a governance proposal and vote, then the change does not affect existing orders on the market, but only new orders placed after the change is enacted.

Spam protection

On a decentralised and pseudonymous network, there's always a possibility that a malicious actor or a misconfigured client will attempt to spam blocks and fill them with meaningless transactions. As the Vega software allows for some transactions to be issued without requiring gas cost, this issue requires special care. To mitigate that risk, there are spam protections available for network providers to use, in particular enforced minimums and maximums for certain transactions sent to a network, and a client-side proof of work requirement to mitigate transaction spam.

The Vega Wallet software prevents you from sending in a transaction that will trigger a spam violation and cause your public key to be banned.

The values of all spam protection network parameters can be changed through a governance vote. If a parameter change passes governance, it takes effect in the epoch after it passes.

Query for data

API: Spam statistics: Query for a public key's spam count. This could be useful if you're building wallet software, to stop accidental spamming.

Spam limits: Governance

Governance transactions have several limits in order to mitigate the potential spam risk of someone attempting to overload the network with inexpensive transactions.

Votes on proposals and submitting governance proposals are subject to minimum token requirements:

  • To submit a vote, the minimum required number of governance tokens associated to the voting public key is determined by the network parameter
  • Minimum number of governance tokens associated to the proposing public key required to submit the proposal is determined by the network parameter

Votes on proposals and submitting governance proposals also have limitations on the max number of each per epoch:

  • Maximum number of votes per public key, on each proposal per epoch is determined by the network parameter Thus, this parameter limits how often you can change your mind on a proposal.
  • Maximum number of proposals per public key, per epoch is determined by the network parameter

Mitigating spam attacks

If the network perceives it is under attack based on the amount of rejected governance votes coming after they're added to a block, or in spite of the spam limits, then the minimum required tokens to submit a vote is doubled automatically until the attack is over.

If three blocks in a row are filled with spam, for example if parties continue to send substantially more than three votes on one proposal, then the number of required tokens is doubled, up to a maximum of 1600 tokens.

Spam limits: Transfers

Each party (public key) has a limitation on how many transfer transactions it can submit per epoch, set by the network parameter

Once that transfer limit is reached for a key, any subsequent transactions are rejected until the epoch switches over.

Spam limits: Staking

Staking to any number validators is subject to minimum token requirements and a limit on the number of delegations per epoch:

  • Minimum required number of governance tokens associated to the voting public key is determined by the network parameter Nominations submitted without enough tokens are rejected.
  • Maximum number of nominations per public key, per epoch is determined by the network parameter Once that nominations limit is reached for a key, any subsequent nominations are rejected until the epoch switches over.

Rejection policies

Relevant transactions (governance, transfers, and staking) that don't follow the anti-spam rules are rejected, either before the block is processed, or after, depending on the circumstances.

Pre-block rejection: Each governance transaction is checked to ensure the public key sending it meets the spam protection requirements before the transaction enters the validators' mempool. The remaining transactions that were not added to a block are rechecked after the original block's execution, to be added to the next block. If a transaction fails the applicable spam rules set by the parameters below, it's not processed and is removed.

Post-block rejection: When a transaction makes it into the block, it is still checked before the block is finalised, and can then be rejected before it's passed to the application layer. A transaction may be rejected post-block and passed the initial validation if, for example, it breaches the maximum allowed rule, but nodes aren't yet aware of how many of that party's transactions will eventually be included in a block. That can happen because a validator node doesn't know what's in the other validators' mempools until transactions reach them through gossip. When blocks are executed, the network has all the information from before the block, and all transactions already seen within the block, so any transactions that breach the spam rules are rejected and removed from the block before they can be executed.

If a party has 50% or more transactions rejected post-block, that party will be banned from sending that type of transaction for 30 seconds or 1/48th of an epoch, whichever is greater.

Spam limits: Withdrawals

As uncompleted withdrawals don't expire, it's possible to generate a large number of transactions and withdrawal request data by requesting many small transactions.

A minimum amount per withdrawal can lower the risk of transaction spam from tiny withdrawal and/or transfer requests.

The minimum amount per withdrawal is determined by the network parameter multiplied by the specific asset's quantum. An asset's quantum is defined as an approximation of the smallest 'meaningful' amount of that asset, generally expecting it to be the quantity of the asset valued at about 1 USD.

Any withdrawal request for a smaller amount would be immediately rejected.

Spam limits: Batch order instructions

Batch order instructions are limited by a maximum size per batch, determined by the network parameter A batch with a size higher than the limit is rejected.

Proof of work

Although Vega provides a proof-of-stake framework, there is a client-side proof-of-work mechanism to prevent transaction spam from public keys trying to flood the network, or submitting a number of transactions that could slow down the network for all participants.

Every transaction must include a proof-of-work calculation derived from a recent block, proving the transaction was created recently. The proof-of-work is calculated by the Vega Wallet software. It does not incur gas fees and does not have any effect on a transaction's priority.

It's possible to submit a large volume of transactions at one time, as long as the proof-of-work is calculated by the wallet adequately.

The Vega Wallet apps generate the required proof-of-work for a public key's transaction based on any other transactions submitted by that key pair.

Policy enforcement

If a public key submits transactions for which the proof of work is based on a given block height, and the number of transactions is above the maximum set by the network parameter (spam.pow.numberOfTxPerBlock), the difficulty of the PoW increases (if it's not set to 0) and the proof will take longer to calculate, i.e., transactions will take longer to be generated but can still be included in a block.

A transaction with a missing or incorrect proof is rejected, as is any transaction that uses an already-used PoW calculation. A public key that sends transactions with faulty proof-of-work calculations is banned for 30 seconds or 1/48th of an epoch, whichever is greater.

See a full list of the network parameters used for PoW in the spam protection parameters table.

Go deeper

Spec: Spam protection PoW ↗: Implementation details and how this mechanism works in particular circumstances.

Spam protection and PoW parameters

Spam protection parameterDefinition tokens needed to submit a governance proposal tokens needed to vote on a governance proposal number of transactions that can be in one batch tokens needed to nominate a validator number of nomination (delegation) transactions a public key can submit per epoch. number of governance transactions a public key can submit per epoch number of governance votes a public key can submit per epoch amount allowed per withdrawal, dependent on asset's quantum value number of transactions a public key can submit per epoch
Proof of work parameters
spam.pow.numberOfTxPerBlockMaximum number of transactions a wallet can put in one block
spam.pow.difficultyTo prevent flooding the chain with transactions, wallets need to perform a proof-of-work (PoW) calculation to submit them. This defines the difficulty level
spam.pow.hashFunctionHash function used for proof-of-work
spam.pow.increaseDifficultyIf a wallet exceeds the max transactions per block, the difficulty of the PoW increases by this factor
spam.pow.numberOfPastBlocksTo compute the wallet transaction quota, transactions can be assigned to past blocks; this parameter defines how far back that goes

Loading node state: Snapshots

To allow a node to be restarted without the need to replay the whole blockchain, it can load an existing snapshot created by a different node, which will populate all the node state. The node then downloads and replays blocks from the height corresponding to the snapshot, until it gets to the live block height, at which point it will be able to contribute to the chain.

Try it out

How to use snapshots: A a step-by-step guide for node operators to load state with snapshots.